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How to Pronounce Massachusetts Town Names
Out of the 364 towns listed on the site, I only have pronunciations for about 80 or so of them. I would really appreciate if you help out if you can submit a town pronunciation that I don't have listed already. AbingtonAB-ING-TON This is the incorrect way to say it.
BridgewaterNo pronunciations available yet.
BrocktonNo pronunciations available yet.
CarverCah-vah This is the correct way to say it. Most beautiful town in the baystate....if you like cranberry bogs
DuxburyDUCKS-BERRY This is the incorrect way to say it. DUCKS-BURYThis is the correct way to say it.
East BridgewaterNo pronunciations available yet.
HalifaxNo pronunciations available yet.
HanoverNo pronunciations available yet.
HansonNo pronunciations available yet.
HinghamHing-um This is the correct way to say it. Hing-um is the correct pronunciation of the name of the town. NOT Hing-HAM
HullNo pronunciations available yet.
KingstonNo pronunciations available yet.
LakevilleNo pronunciations available yet.
MarionNo pronunciations available yet.
MarshfieldNo pronunciations available yet.
MattapoisettMatta-poise-ett This is the correct way to say it. Another good old Indian name!
MiddleboroughNo pronunciations available yet.
NorwellNo pronunciations available yet.
PembrokePem-broke This is the correct way to say it. Said just the way it looks!
PlymouthNo pronunciations available yet.
PlymptonNo pronunciations available yet.
RochesterRAW-CHES-TER This is the incorrect way to say it. RAWCH-IS-TUHThis is the correct way to say it.
ScituateSIT-CHOO-IT This is the correct way to say it. Another corruption of an Indian place name...originally SATUIT
WarehamWare-um This is the correct way to say it. This is NOT Ware-HAM although many here say it that way. The best comparison I can give is that you do not say Ded-HAM (Ded-um) or Need-HAM (Need-um). Same holds true for Ware-um .
West BridgewaterNo pronunciations available yet.
WhitmanNo pronunciations available yet.
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