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Four guys are driving cross country...

Four guys are driving cross-country together; one from Idaho, one from Iowa, one from Florida, and one from New York. A bit down the road the man from Idaho starts to pull potatoes from his bag and throws them out the window. The man from Iowa turns to him and asks, "What the hell are you doing?"

The man from Idaho says, "Man, we have so many of these damned things in Idaho they're laying around on the ground - I'm sick of looking at them!"

A few miles further down the road, the man from Iowa begins pulling ears of corn from his bag and throwing them out the window. The man from Florida asks "What are you doing that for?"

The man from Iowa replies, "Man, we have so many of these damned things in Iowa I'm sick of looking at them!"

Inspired by the others, the man from Florida opens the car door and pushes the New Yorker out.

This is not an official page of the city of Worcester. The views contained within this site is not from any official or funded by the city in anyway.

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Copyright 1998-2012 By Charles R. Grosvenor Jr.